i can't wait just like you can't wait / until we're out past familiar gates / those seven words shook the life back in / so let's just run 'til we lose our breath.

kiss kiss no more.

Posted: May 8, 2010 | Posted by marcy |

i don't remember when it became necessary to kiss people on both cheeks upon entering or exiting their presence, but i am requesting that it stops. now.

first of all, we aren't european, so let's quit pretending that we are.

i am totally in favor of hugs, a kiss on one cheek, or even the ol' traditional solid hand shake. but the double kiss kiss . . . well i find it wildly unnecessary for more than 2 reasons.

#1: was the 1st kiss not enough?

#2: is there anything more awkward in this scenario than when Person A goes in for the 2nd kiss, but Person B has already leaned back just far enough to suggest he or she does not need said 2nd kiss, but Person A has already committed, thus leaving Person B with no other option but to super-awkwardly lean BACK IN for round 2 of cheek kissing?

#3: 9 out of 10 times, lips never even touch flesh. therefore, this is really only an "air kiss" and what in the world is the point of that?

#4: double-cheek-kissing really only occurs between two people who don't even know each other all.that.well. because if it were an actual friend, surely you would give a hug. and if it were someone you see pretty regularly, then you don't really need to greet them each and every time with anything more than a "hey, what's up". and if it were a total stranger, a handshake does just fine.

#5: in situations where you might be greeting more than one person in the room, there becomes this unnecessary necessity of double-cheek-kissing everyone in the circle. and this just takes to long.

#6: often times it just flat out looks stupid.

i'm boycotting all of it. i'm sticking to hugs. or waving. or a simple hello.

if you don't like it, then send me a postcard from france.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ useless.


  1. Angie said...
  2. HAAAAAAA!!! Are those biotches some of those "housewives" from NJ? Ridic. You are so observant.

  3. marcy said...
  4. They might very well be from Jerz...or maybe NYC....or LA? Surely somewhere where plastic is better than skin and silicone is all the rave and fake is the new cool. They are not my friends...

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