i can't wait just like you can't wait / until we're out past familiar gates / those seven words shook the life back in / so let's just run 'til we lose our breath.

my heart hurts.

Posted: May 6, 2010 | Posted by marcy |

a lot.

i can't even wrap my head around it enough to give it the full commentary it deserves. in part because i'm living on about 6 hours of sleep over the last 3 days. in part because i have already devoted an enormous amount of time to this already today. in part because i can't find anymore tissues to wipe the snot from my nose. and in big part because there just aren't words to do any of it justice.

i invite you to read this teeeny snippet and then i beg you to ask yourself how this is even happening. and for those who say "oh, that's sad, but there's nothing i can do" then i plead with you to think on it for 4 additional microseconds while i ask you: if this were your son, your brother, your friend . . . would you have the same response?

Clark Kimble's Story


  1. angie said...
  2. This is so terribly sad, and just brings to light, as something always does daily, one of my biggest BIGGEST pet peeves about this country. RED TAPE!!!!! and all the bueracratic shit that goes along with it. It's like the people who have any sort of say or power have zero heart. Like the grinch. I mean can they take a step back from all their paper pushing and $$ in their eyes for one second, and think and feel like a real person?! When I don't feel like I can do anything in instances like this, at least I know I can pray. So I will.

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