i can't wait just like you can't wait / until we're out past familiar gates / those seven words shook the life back in / so let's just run 'til we lose our breath.

bubbles are like pennies. sort of.

Posted: Jun 13, 2011 | Posted by marcy | Labels:


the small hand full of seconds that your bubble stays in a sphere shape and rises in the air before snapping into a soapy wet mess is a good run of a hand full of seconds.

it’s like for that short span of time, everything is still. and everything is right in the world.

kind of like pennies.

when you’re faced with 2 choices, simply toss a penny.

it works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment when the penny is in the air . . .

. . . you suddenly know what you are hoping for.


the entirety of life is nothing but a sequence of choices. the smallest ones can have the greatest impact. and the bigger ones can leave you with not very much of an outcome at all.

the beauty is in the knowing that you have the choices.

and you can always toss 2 out of 3.


  1. Angie said...
  2. how did you do that?! So cool.

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