i can't wait just like you can't wait / until we're out past familiar gates / those seven words shook the life back in / so let's just run 'til we lose our breath.

credit takes flight.

Posted: Apr 7, 2010 | Posted by marcy |

cash is overrated and continental airlines gets a gold star.

you may now make in-flight purchases (like, ohhhhh, i dunno, a cocktail?) on board any of continental's flights using your credit or debit card.


and they'll even toss you a diet coke and about 7 pretzels for free.

and to make the deal even better, they might even leave 40 minutes late and STILL manage to get you to your final destination ahead of schedule. don't know how. don't even care.

what i do know is that they are starting to make up for the time that i was the O-N-L-Y passenger (yes, it is actually possible) on a one-hour flight yet they still managed to lose my bag stuffed full of everything i ever owned. never to be found again.

starting to make up for that and the time they made me sleep on the floor of the san juan, puerto rico airport for 7 hours.

oh, and the flight attendants now wear this:

okay, maybe not. but it would be weirdly awesome if they did.


  1. angie said...
  2. HA!!!! Hilarious costume➢nay, outfit, uniform, whatever!!! I'm a fan of Southwest. They just always get it right for me...and your whole bag was lost to never be seen again?!?! SHADY. :) I sadly cannot drink on the plane, I will vomit everyw.h.e.r.e.

  3. marcy said...
  4. WHAT? why will you vomit??? i didn't opt for a cocktail yesterday, but just the notion that i COULD have (being that i never ever ever ever have cash on me) was a super feeling.

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